drawings through a window, up close

Artlink, RCC, VAI

Artlink and the Regional Cultural Centre teamed up with VAI to present a series of artist development events between May and November 2021 with the intention of developing a Donegal Visual Artists Network.

This kicked off with a Needs Analysis Café in May, exploring current Visual Arts practice in Donegal – strengths, weaknesses, gaps, infrastructure and opportunities. The VAI team facilitated a series of breakout room discussions addressing multiple topics in order to define the working aims of the Donegal Visual Artists Network in 2021 and beyond. Donegal artists were invited to join the event to contribute their voice and help further this Visual Arts conversation in the North-west. A number of key concerns arising from the Needs Analysis Café formed the basis of the following programme of artist development events:

  • July 2021 – Exploring artist Ecommerce and sales generation with Shopify
  • August 2021 – 3 hour speed curating workshop for Donegal Visual Artists with some of Ireland’s leading curators.
  • October 2021 – Panel discussion featuring representatives for leading visual artist networks in North America and continental Europe discussing network best practice.

VAI Visual Artists Café: Artist Residencies

June 1st Rebecca Strain represented Artlink at this Café which aimed to explore and demystify the process of artist residency programme participation. Artlink was one of three organisations presenting at the event, billed as “ 3 of Ireland’s top working examples”. The other organisations were Cow House Studios (Wexford) and Digital Arts Studios Belfast.