LUXE worked throughout 2022 looking at the changing points in the agrarian/solar/Celtic calendar and finding appropriate ways to mark them with landscape theatre and spectacle. This was a process of trial and testing both of the art and the approach of the public to the work.

Working with Artlink very directly informed two other LUXE projects in 2022 and two successful funding applications for making new work in 2023. This engagement allowed LUXE to focus on the seasonal and ritual aspects of their annual program, a focus that has presented interesting challenges and opened new opportunities.

Spring Equinox | Malin! A piece of work that set the tone for the following seasons. Finding
depth within the work. Working with visual Artists Locky Morris and Aidan Crotty as well as performance artists Jusztina Hermann and Zoja Dravai we set up, and burned a series of fire horses at both sunrise and sunset on beaches to the East of Malin head (at dawn) and to the West (at Sunset). This work was photographed – not made for a live audience.