Ink drawing of a dalmation leaping

Elaine McGinn

January – April
Because of the interest generated by the initial series of online #LoveToDraw workshops in December we decided to extend this, particularly because lock down had been extended well beyond the new year. Each Wednesday Elaine McGinn led two workshops, open to all and free of charge.

Artlink Drawing Club
April – august
In response to feedback from participants in #LoveToDraw we initiated an online drawing club then in July the club moved to Rodden’s bar in Buncrana where we ran drawing events in their outdoor space. Attendance figures were good and participants enthusiastic so we intend to resume sessions in summer 2022

Some people gathered in a space looking at drawings
Sketchbook open with dark black ink drawings of branches
Ink drawing of shapes like droplets or smooth stones
Abstract drawing in black pen of shapes like beach stones with different patterns on each