a print of a plant in a frame, in a dilapidated building with raindrops falling on the print

Kym Greeley

Kym Greeley lives in St. John’s, Newfoundland, where she maintains her studio art practice. As a member of St. Michael’s Printshop, she both teaches screenprinting and produces her serigraph original prints. With process as a priority in her work, she uses the landscape, architecture and culture of Newfoundland to create paintings, screenprints and video work. Her work has been exhibited in publicly-funded, artist-run and commercial galleries. Collections featuring her work include the Canada Council Art Bank, Global Affairs Canada, The Rooms Provincial Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and the Newfoundland Provincial Art Bank Collection. She is currently represented by Christina Parker Gallery in St. John’s.

“Through the International Atlantic Residency Exchange between Eastern Edge Gallery and Artlink, I traveled to the North West of Ireland to stay and create artwork for one month in September 2022. The experience was amazing. I stayed in Donegal in the town of Buncrana and worked at Fort Dunree. Exploring the area, I decided to focus my attention on the abandoned and dilapidated bunkers and forts on site. I made drawn and screen-printed portraits of the new inhabitants of the buildings – the Fireweed, Bracken Ferns and every creeping Ivy. Artlink connected me with so many local artists. Most importantly, the artist-run print centre – The Derry Print Workshop, hosted me so I could screenprint in their studio to create a series of editions and produce the Bracken Fern Wallpaper. The wallpaper was installed in two different bunkers along with the drawings and editions”.

three silhouette prints of plants
two prints in frames in a dilapidated building over two fireplaces
dilapidated ruin with newly printed wallpaper of plants and four paper prints also of plants
dark room in a ruined building with brand new white and green wallpaper